OBS - This page is just for my own private Archive - anders@holt.nu
Det Norske Søren Kierkegaard Selskap
Søren Kierkegaard was a Danish Philosopher who lived in Copenhagen, from 1813 to 1855. He lived a life that in the outer sence of the word would seem quit a boring one, exept for a clash with the church, and with the world, but compensated this by living a sensational inner life, always referring to Regine, his lost fiance, writing quite a lot of books. Philosophical books, religious books, and a world famous journal, consisting of 18 large volumes. He wrote his life, insted of just living it. To bad for him, but nice for us.
Existentialist philosophers, including Sartre, Heidegger, Camus, Bultmann, Tillich, und so weiter. But ofcourse Kierkegaard levitates high above them all! Among my favourit titles are Fear & Trembling, The Concept of Dread, The Sickness Unto Death, and Either/Or. But he has written a lot of other books, including the beatifully written Edifying Discources, and Christian Discources
It is customary to introduce his philosophy by refering to the three stages of life.The first stage, or sphere is called the estetic stage, the next the ethical stage. These two stages is first represented in his book Either/Or, and again in the book Stages on Life's Way. The last stage is called the religious stage. This last stage is normally divided into to stages; religiousness A, and B. This stage or stages are first really presented in Fear and Trembling, and Repetition, but is really presented more clearly in the book Concluding Unscientifical Postscript (to the Philosophical Fragments). And again in The Concept of Dread, and in Sickness Unto Death: read!
Send me some words. anders@holt.nu This page was last updated (a little) on the 25. of april 2000. Ex animi sententia, Anders Holt |